My OJT in a month of May

My OJT on a month of May May 2,3,9,10 May 2, on this date my OJT start on a month of May. On this date I wake up early in the morning. I prepare myself and also the things that I bring in my workplace. After i prepare my self and all things me and my classmate Kris Marfil, together with him riding a motorcycle going to school. When we are at school he and I are going in our distributed workplace . First in the morning when I came in the office where I am assigned to OJT, first I cleaned the office so that it will look nice. Then when my adviser arrive the office are in a good look. I wait maam Toledo my adviser of what I am going to do because she is the one who told me of what I am going to do. In this date she told me to check the checklist of students module if they are already submitted their modules or not. I am the one who assign to check those checklist. In this case some...